On becoming an elder….so, as my 69th year is winding down, and I will soon cross into my 7th decade on earth, I have been reflecting on what it means to be an elder, to be older. I often hear ‘older’ women say they have become ‘invisible’…that few take them seriously, or even pay them any attention whatsoever.

I have thought about this a lot lately. I do NOT feel invisible. People tend to listen when I speak, and thoughtfully consider my words and opinions. In my community, I am greeted with smiles, hugs, and acceptance. This is not by accident; it is by careful design. I work at remaining relevant in the world. I read. I discuss. I ask questions. More importantly, I listen to what others say. Although I have my own values and opinions, I am fluid enough that when something makes sense, when my eyes have been opened to new information, I shift my opinions to embrace my new found knowledge.

I do not tell younger people anything starting with, ‘In my day…’, rather I am genuinely interested in understanding their views about current events, about anything. I respect them, and this seems to garner their respect for me.

I love my aging body, although I could do without the stiffness and morning aches. I have silver hair-not worn like my mother and generations before her-short, chopped, permed. My hair is l-o-n-g…past my ass and I FLAUNT it! Grandmothers are sexy, too. I do yoga several times a week as I have done since I was in my 20s, which means I can still tie myself up like a pretzel…well, these days, perhaps a slightly less-than perfect pretzel. When I am in my yoga class, or art class, or doing anything for that matter, my 69-year-old body is being led, being glamoured by my 22-year-old brain which says, “hey, isn’t this fun?”

My style of dress is whatever beckons to me in the morning-anything from yoga attire to hippy bohemian, to sophisticated classic. I need no special occasions, no excuses…I dress to make me feel good.

So, dear lady…happy birthday! And welcomed to the path of becoming an elder.


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Happy Birthday Marybeth! I am moved to comment and share something of myself. It is uncomfortable for me to write, and I will try to share this on FB. I have been on this planet for 70 years... so WOW that sounds old!

AND YES... I am an Elder. A Southern Italian, Volcano connected woman from Paterson New Jersey.

I stopped working this spring and started swimming every day. It really helps with the aches and pains.

Work has been mostly in the lab on my feet drawing blood and doing tests. I am also a massage therapist. I have maintained my licenses as I have not been able to let my role in society go...

it is Christmas week and I miss my family and the feast of fish dishes that I remember from my youth.

I have a daughter and a husband so am not really alone in the world.

My new career is a pet nana for my daughter's doodle. She helps me to stay active and to play. She is our fur baby... I wish I could stop feeling so sad and broken... Sorrow and moments of joy all wrapped up for this holiday season... Thank you for sharing

Angela Corsetto

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Absolutely love this post, Happy Birthday

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Omg...not knowing who the elders are. That point is SO POWERFUL.

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I feel it deep.

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